What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a type of talking therapy that can help to resolve emotional / psychological problems and mental health issues. Psychotherapy is generally a long- term process (2 years +) that explores the roots of a person’s difficulties in order to understand and settle here-and-now life problems that are causing pain.

Psychotherapy places great importance on the therapeutic relationship as an important source of healing, growth and change. Psychotherapy is usually the talking therapy of choice for long standing, complex difficulties.

What is counselling?

Counselling is a similar process to psychotherapy but tends to be briefer in duration and focuses predominantly on the here-and-now. Counselling may be the therapy of choice for shorter-term problems or crises that require immediate problem solving.

What is Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling?

There are many different types of psychotherapy and counselling. You can read more here.

Integrative Psychotherapy

draws on all the major traditions including:

  • Humanistic – the importance of the here-and now, person-to-person relationship
  • Psychodynamic – the importance of the unconscious (thoughts and feelings that impact our experience but may be outside our awareness) and the influence of past relationships on here-and-now experience
  • The Body – the physical basis of emotion, growth and change
  • Transpersonal – that which lays beyond the material world of experience, for example spiritual dimensions
  • Socio-cultural-political – the wider environment and context in which we grow and experience our relationships.

Integrative Psychotherapy offers a flexible, holistic approach that places the unique experience of the individual at the centre of the process. Together, client and therapist embark on a journey to understand what is causing difficulty and unhappiness and what might facilitate change.

Frequency and duration of sessions

Psychotherapy and counselling sessions take place weekly or twice weekly and last for 50 minutes. How long therapy lasts is agreed on a case by case basis.


£60 per session. Concessions are available including discounted student rate and for those claiming benefits or otherwise on a low income.