Managing mental health at work
one day workshop for managers
10am to 4pm
By the end of this workshop you will be able to:
Learning objectives:
- Recognise signs of stress and poor mental health at work
- Describe a good practice framework for the mentally healthy workplace
- Describe the role of the organisation, the individual and the line manager in supporting staff mental health and wellbeing
- Identify a range of skills and strategies for managing mental health at work
Workshop Content:
- The mental health continuum: pressure, stress and mental health problems
- Stigma and the problem of disclosure of distress at work
- Practical issues for managers
- Golden rules for managing mental health at work
- Recognising signs
- Stress and poor mental health – a refresher
- Stress and poor mental health: personal or cultural?
- Good practice frameworks for the mentally healthy workplace
- Workplace Tools: HSE Stress Tools, Wellness Plans
- The role of the organisation
- The role of the individual
- The role of the manager
- Support for the manager
- Managing sensitive conversations
- Troubleshooting: impact on the rest of the team, managing confidentiality, supporting the rest of the team; what if the individual doesn’t want my support?
- Managing mental health related performance issues and absence
- Practical support: reasonable adjustments
- Case studies: good practice in managing mental health at work
Workshop methods:
- Information sharing
- Group discussion
- Small group work
- Practical exercises
- Case studies
- Handouts and electronic resources
Training fees:
- One day course: £750 (6 hours) inclusive of materials.
- Half-day course: £400 (3 hours) inclusive of materials.
- Travel outside the M25 area will be charged at standard rail fare.